Community Building and Inclusion: Businesses You Can Start to Include Your Community

Community building is the process of bringing people together to work on a project, take part in recreational activities, or chat informally about their day. It’s a great way to get to know your neighbors and give back to your community. These businesses are all designed for small communities where everyone knows each other.

1. Local farmers’ market

One of the best ways to bring people together is through food. Offer fresh produce from local farms and let residents sign up for weekly deliveries. You could also partner with local restaurants—offer ingredients like eggs or flour so they can make dishes using locally sourced products. This would be especially helpful if any restaurants in town source their ingredients locally.

2. Community garden

Another way to bring people together is through gardening. Get a plot of land and allow residents to set up a community garden there. You could also have a communal space where people can gather to talk and garden together. This is a great way to get to know your neighbors, and you can learn a lot about gardening from them too.

3. Local tourism

Especially if your state has a national park, you can offer tours led by the members of your community. This is a great way to show off your community’s natural beauty and teach people about the history of your area. One excellent way to introduce tourists to the local flora and fauna is through a guided ATV tour through the forests, hills, and rivers near your town. You can also offer walking tours of the town or even themed tours (like a haunted tour in October).


5. Bookstore

A community bookstore is a great place to promote community building because it’s a space for everyone. You could offer storytime for kids, book clubs for adults, or even just a place for people to gather and chat. Community bookstores are also the perfect place for community events like art shows and concerts.

6. Volunteering

This is an important aspect of building community, especially if you have a wide range of ages living together in your town. Rather than having people pay for services, ask them to give their time and energy to the community. This could be as simple as helping elderly residents with chores like weeding and planting, or it could be something more complex like providing tutoring for children in the community.

7. Local coffee shop

Coffee shops and cafes are great places to help people socialize and get to know each other. Encourage people to come in and chat with their friends over a cup of coffee or tea. You can also offer special events, like book signings or open mic nights, to get the community involved.

8. Local pub

A local pub is a perfect place for residents to come together and relax. Offer a variety of beers, wines, and cocktails so that everyone can find something they like. You could also have a food menu with items that are locally sourced. This is a great place for people to come after work or on the weekends to relax and catch up with friends.

9. Community center

A community center is a great way to bring people together for events and activities. You could have a library, meeting space, gym, and more. This would be a great place for residents to come and socialize, learn new things, and get active.

A community center is also a great way for people to express themselves through art and bond with others. It also allows residents to see the beauty of their community through artistic expressions. Consider putting on plays, musicals, dance recitals, or puppet shows. You could even have events where different community areas come together to have fun and learn from each other.

10. Local blog

Let people know about the happenings in your community by creating a website or blog where you review local events, businesses, and activities. You can also offer weekly podcasts that take place at different businesses throughout town. People will look forward to hearing about new things to do in their own communities!

Additionally, you can provide reviews and guides in your town or city. For example, you could have a page for the best tacos in town or the five best places to go on a picnic. This is a great way for people to find new local attractions and make plans with their friends and family!

With a little bit of creativity, you can come up with all sorts of ideas for businesses that promote inclusive community building. These are just a few examples to get you started, so don’t be afraid to get creative and think outside the box. Building community is a vital part of any town or city, so get out there and promote it.

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