Exploring the Different Options for Growing A Family

  • Childbirth is the traditional way to grow a family, involving pregnant women giving birth in a hospital setting.
  • Adoption is an increasingly popular option to provide a loving home for children who may not have one otherwise.
  • Fostering allows families to offer short-term care for children in need.
  • Surrogacy is an option for couples who are unable to have a baby naturally due to fertility issues.

While growing a family can seem overwhelming at times, there are several options available for couples and communities to explore. From adoption to fostering and beyond, there are countless ways to build a family that is filled with love and support. Here’s a look at some of the most popular options available.


The traditional way to grow a family is through childbirth. Becoming pregnant and carrying the baby for nine months before giving birth in a hospital setting is one of the most common paths that couples take when growing their family.

Those looking to conceive have access to myriad resources and support networks, from fertility clinics and midwives to parenting classes and prenatal yoga. There are even options for couples and individuals to choose their own donor sperm or eggs.

If possible, it can be beneficial to get a start on pre-natal care early, as many doctors recommend that pregnant women begin seeing a doctor at least three months before their due date. This will ensure that any potential health risks can be addressed before the baby is born.

pregnant woman smiling while rubbing her tummy sitting on the couch


Adoption is one of the most common paths to growing a family. It’s also one of the most rewarding as it allows couples and individuals to provide a loving home for children who may not have had one otherwise. 

The process of adopting a child can differ depending on what country or state you are in, but generally, it involves filing an application followed by attending home visits, interviews, and classes about parenting before being approved as an adoptive parent or couple.

Once approved, families can search for their potential child from domestic and international sources. Adoption is often seen as a long-term commitment since many children who are adopted will stay with their adoptive family until they reach adulthood.


Fostering is another way to grow your family; however, it’s important to note that it is typically considered short-term, meaning that families enter into foster care arrangements with the understanding that their time together may be limited if it’s determined that reunification with birth parents or guardians is in the best interest of the child. Here are the most common steps for becoming foster parents:

Attend an Orientation Meeting

Most states require prospective foster parents to attend an orientation meeting to learn more about the process and expectations for those involved. This will include basic information on the rights and responsibilities of foster care and detailed information on each state’s licensing requirements.

Complete a Home Study

The home study is the process of gathering information about a family that is interested in fostering. This typically includes interviews with adults living in the home, background checks, medical screenings, and an evaluation of the safety of the home environment.

Accomplish Training Requirements

In addition to the home study, families will also need to complete state-mandated training. This may include classes on topics such as child safety and development, first aid, fire safety, and other forms of child abuse prevention.

Become Licensed by Your State

Once the above steps are completed, families can apply for licensure by their state in order to become official foster parents. The license will be valid for a specific amount of time and must be renewed on an annual basis.

parents holding out their hand with child holding a heart


Surrogacy is another option for couples who wish to have children but are unable to do so naturally due to fertility issues or other medical concerns. With surrogacy, couples work with an agency or surrogate mother to create embryos placed inside the surrogate mother’s uterus, where they will develop until birth.

Surrogacy can be both expensive and complicated, so it’s important for families considering this option to do plenty of research before making any decisions about this route, as there are legalities involved which must be taken into consideration, such as parental rights after birth.

However, this can be a wonderful option for couples who are looking to expand their family and bring a new life into the world. It also offers them an opportunity to have a genetically related child and allows them to be involved in the process from start to finish.

No matter what path you choose when looking into how you want to grow your family, it’s always important to take into consideration all aspects of each option before committing yourself or your partner(s) fully so you can make an informed decision that is right for your entire family unit. Whether you decide on childbirth, adoption, fostering, surrogacy — or even something else entirely — there are endless possibilities when it comes to exploring different options when building your own unique family structure. With time and patience (and lots of support!), any couple or community looking into growing their family can make their dreams come true.

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